Welcome to Jersey WaterCheck’s evaluation center — the Benchmark Hub.

The Benchmark Hub helps utility managers and state leaders dive into the factors that contribute to the need for water infrastructure investment. Here you will find the details, measures, reports, results, and data that we’ve gathered for every water and wastewater system in the state.

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How Does My System Protect the Environment?

Municipal Stormwater Control Ordinance calls for green infrastructure in redevelopment (system-level)

At an individual system level, this metric shows if the municipality's Municipal Stormwater Control Ordinance applies the requirements of the ordinance to redevelopment. This action goes above and beyond the requirements of NJDEP's Stormwater Management Rules (NJAC 7:8). A "yes" for this metric indicates that the municipality self-reported that it requires green infrastructure on redevelopment projects in the survey. Responses have not been verified.

Data Source: Survey

Click here see the related state-level measure.

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