Musconetcong Sewerage Authority (MSA)

Wastewater Public Utility - Government owned and operated Est. Population Served: 43,391
NJPDES Permit ID: NJ0027821
Associated Municipalities: Byram Township, Hopatcong Borough, Jefferson Township, Mount Arlington Borough, Mount Olive Township, Netcong Borough, Roxbury Township, Stanhope Borough
Water Bodies Where Treated Wastewater is Released: Musconetcong River
The Musconetcong Sewerage Authority and its members are committed to the operation and maintenance of its treatment plant and pump stations. Our goal is to meet the rules and regulations mandated by the Federal and State requirements in order to protect public health and the environment. The M.S.A. strives to ensure that the operations and maintenance are provided in the most effective, efficient and responsive manner.
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Water Only Wastewater Only Water & Wastewater
Municipality Discharge Site
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