Welcome to Jersey WaterCheck’s evaluation center — the Benchmark Hub.

The Benchmark Hub helps utility managers and state leaders dive into the factors that contribute to the need for water infrastructure investment. Here you will find the details, measures, reports, results, and data that we’ve gathered for every water and wastewater system in the state.

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How Does My System Protect the Environment?

Has completed an impervious cover assessment (state-level)

At the state level, this metric shows the number of NJ municipalities that have completed an impervious cover assessment. An impervious cover assessment measures the acreage of impervious area in the municipality that generates stormwater runoff. Impervious area is land that stops water from infiltrating into the ground, including surfaces made of asphalt, concrete, brick, or stone as well as building roofs. During small and large rainfall events, areas with more impervious surfaces experience more runoff. By completing impervious cover assessments, municipalities can understand which areas experience excessive runoff and are therefore in need of green infrastructure.

*There is no value for this metric yet due to insufficient data. Please see the corresponding system-level metric for the data that has been collected thus far.

Data Source: Survey

Click here see the related system-level measure.

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